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Bankruptcy isn't the end.
It's the chance at a new beginning!
Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy for Families or Individuals.
Stop Harassing Phone Calls from Creditors
Stop the Creation or Enforcement of a Lien
Stop Foreclosure
Stop Wage Garnishment
Discharge Credit Card Debt
Discharge Medical Bill Debt
Discharge Unsecured Personal Loans
When it comes to individual bankruptcy, every case is different, and there is no rule to state if Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 is better. For people who are eligible to file for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, the decision would be based on several factors, including whether there are assets that they would like to protect, such as a car. Chapter 13 would be the option to allow you to hold on to certain assets, while Chapter 7 would require the liquidation of certain assets.
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